


  • 地址:江蘇省丹陽(yáng)市界牌鎮(zhèn)界西工業(yè)園
  • 聯(lián)系人:徐女士 13405591520     陸先生 13806102453

How many high-power LED street lights to choose for road lighting

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-05-29 13:23:13    瀏覽:636

As the saying goes, every industry has its own expertise. The layman watches the bustle and the pedestrian watches the doorway. So for the road, its lighting, how much power to choose LED street lamp is appropriate. This problem is certainly relatively familiar to the professional people, but for the layman customers, there is not much knowledge about this aspect. So today, Changyuan in Hebei Province illuminates. Let me explain this to you clearly.

Before choosing, we must consider many aspects, mainly these points.

1. Use of LED street lamp

For the choice of street lamp power, it is necessary to clarify the use of LED street lamp, where it is installed. The main uses of LED street lamp are generally divided into industrial park, pedestrian street, commercial street, conventional road and various organ doors. In the case of different uses, the street lamp power chosen is also different.

2. Led Street Lamp Lighting Time

Some areas have certain requirements for the length of LED street lamp lighting. It is suggested to choose Changyuan LED street lamp. For long-term lighting, the requirements for LED street lamp are higher, especially its heat dissipation. For the power of street lamp, the greater the power, the greater the demand for heat dissipation. So when choosing street lamp power, there is no need to choose blindly.

3. Led Street Lamp Height

For the lamp pole of street lamp, its length requirement is different. There are many lamp poles of 3 meters, 6 meters, 9 meters, 11 meters and other heights, but the high-power LED street lamp"s height must be higher than the low-power street lamp"s intensity, so when choosing the lamp power, customers should make sure the height of the lamp pole is about what, and survey the actual situation of all aspects in advance.

4. The actual installation environment of LED street lamp and the brightness of its light source are all factors to be considered.

For the road lamp installation project, the greater the power of the street lamp installation effect is not good, the appropriate choice of LED street lamp is more appropriate, to make full use of resources.

When choosing the power of LED street lamp, the power should be considered according to various conditions before making a decision. Choosing the right street light is the key.
